
The F-List for Music will constantly develop profile and professional opportunities for women in music by partnering with various organisations and initiatives.  The F-List is very grateful to be actively working with the following organisations:

GigRealm Co-Founder, Tom Brady said: “GigRealm is fully committed to creating opportunities for all musicians. We want to break down barriers wherever we can and make performing live easier and more accessible for everyone involved. Female musicians are hugely underrepresented and this new partnership with The F-List will allow us to help redress that imbalance.”

Silvana Kill, Director of Operations, NTIA and Savenightlife says: “The lack of female representation remains a continuous challenge throughout our industries and we are continuously looking for opportunities to develop initiatives to stamp out gender disparity across the board. This is why the NTIA and Savenightlife are delighted to partner with the F-List! This amazing initiative paves the way to open doors, promote and provide access to the vast pool of female talent out there.  It is initiatives like the F-List that drive towards a more balanced gender representation in Music and Entertainment and we look forward to finding further opportunities within our partnership to continue this great work.”

Independent Venue Week is a 7-day celebration of small music venues around the country, the backbone of the live music scene in the UK.  Sybil Bell Founder of Independent Venue Week says:

“The F-List encompasses everything we need to move towards making a lack of female representation a thing of the past. Independent Venue Week is so proud to be a partner of this brilliant initiative. We look forward to working closely with Vick, and her team, as we develop programs to ensure greater gender balance and more equitable representation across the industry.”

Scottish Women Inventing Music (SWIM) is a collection of female music creators and industry professionals, based in Scotland.  Hilary Brooks their Chair says:

“Scottish Women Inventing Music (SWIM) is proud to be a partner of game-changing initiative The F-List. We are very excited about working together on what will surely be a fundamental tool for those in the music industries. We look forward to helping assist further in making the industry a more balanced, nurturing and welcoming place ensuring equal representation.  The F-List will be a directory which will prove invaluable on a macrocosmic scale when it comes to providing opportunity and growth.”

The Association of Independent Festivals (AIF) is a national not for profit trade association and the UK’s leading festival representative body.  Paul Reed their CEO comments:

“We are committed to ensuring greater diversity in music festivals as we move towards re-opening plans this year and partnering with The F-List will be an important strand of that work.”

Skiddle is currently the UK’s biggest What’s On guide, providing a free facility for event promoters across the UK to list their events online and sell tickets through our independent ticketing service. They currently work with over 35,000 UK and European promoters, at over 30,000 venues. 

“We care about inclusivity and promoting the work of talented artists throughout the creative industry, so we are excited to be partnering with The F-list to increase awareness and champion diversity in the music industry.”  Ben Sebborn, co-founder of Skiddle.

The Grassroots Music Network is a RSA []
Fellow-led network that brings together a wide range of people with an interest in independent music to find ways to support grassroots music and it’s environment. Founding members Sue Oreszczyn and Neil March say:

Diversity and inclusivity are vital for a thriving music community. So we are delighted to partner and support the work of The F-list in raising awareness and actively tackling these important issues“.

OnJam is an online concerts and entertainment platform where fans gather to watch live and recorded shows in beautiful high definition, connect with artists and support them directly. See a special OnJam and F-List presentation here.  With OnJam, artists, managers and venues of all genres and sizes are empowered to make meaningful revenues and be supported directly by audiences all over the world. Emily Ingram, CEO & Co-Founder of OnJam writes:

We are thrilled to partner with The F-List to help drive gender equality across the music industry. OnJam creates performance opportunities online and ways for artists to financially sustain their careers, and we believe that inclusivity and representation for female and gender minority musicians are vital. We look forward to working closely with Vick and the team to develop projects and exciting opportunities for The F-Lists’s members.

World Citizen Artists is a global movement of socially engaged artists, creatives and thinkers whose aim is to create effective and evolutionary change in the world through events, exchanges and other opportunities involving the use of art to raise global awareness.
At World Citizen Artists, we are delighted to be partnering with The F-List. A significant amount of attention has been placed on diversity in the entertainment industry and one particular genre like music has the power to make a difference through its influence in our world. We are honoured to join forces with an ethical community whose vision is aligned with ours. We believe, shared values make the best collaborations.” Valerie Won Lee – Founder of World Citizen Artists.

If you would like to partner with us – let us know!