3rd Annual F-List Research Hub Conference
MUSIC AND SOCIAL CHANGE: Research, Participants and Social Justice
Hosted by the University of Wolverhampton, the Law Research Centre, at Springfield Campus, Wolverhampton and sponsored by the ISM.
The F-List Gender in Music Research Hub held its Third Annual Research Conference, Wednesday, 22 May 2024 and Thursday, 23 May 2024. This research conference was a two-day event, held in person and online at the University of Wolverhampton, hosted by The F-List and the Law Research Centre.
Read academic researcher and musician Lauren Alex Hooper’s blog about her personal experience of the conference here https://thef-listmusic.uk/reflections-on-the-3rd-annual-f-list-conference/
The Research Hub has been founded to increase knowledge by conducting research into gender inequality in music. In its approach, the Research Hub aims to implement an inclusive definition of research:

SCHEDULE for Wednesday, 22 May 2024
– DAY 1 –
08:15-09:00 Registration and welcome (with Coffee)
09:00-09:15 Welcome Address: Vick Bain, Sophie Daniels and Metka Potocnik
09:15-10:15 IN FOCUS (60 minutes)
Challenge-led Research or Research Informed Activism: What’s Next?
Conversation with Vick Bain, Naomi McCarthy (online), Saoirse Caitlin O’Shea (online), Polly Shute (online) and Metka Potocnik.
10:15-10:30 Comfort Break
10:30-11:30 Workshop I (60 minutes)
Resilience for Musicians and Researchers
Led by Katherine Williams
11:30-11:45 Comfort Break
11:45-13:00 Research Papers I (75 minutes): Community, Knowledge, and Music for Change.
Moderated by Sally Anne Gross
Jaime Diaz: Towards a Sociogenic Methodological Research Framework: Composing in/through/with the Latina/o/x Diaspora.
Lulu Le Vay: Not just a woman’s work: Can incorporating a feminist pedagogy in supervision enhances the student-supervisor experience?
Nadia (Nedia) Buyse: Cultural Activism, Abolition and ‘Riot Grrls’ in Georgia.
13:00-13:45 Lunch (F-List Networking Event)
13:45-15:15 Practice Research I (90 minutes) Autonomy, Power, and Identity.
Moderated by Sophie Daniels
Rosie Middleton: Opera; How does an Industry so Obsessed with the Voice leave its Performers without One? Performance with Maya-Leigh Rosenwasser
Lucy James: Musical Theatre Songwriting and Self-Transformation.
Lucy Barka: Narrative Transformation as Rape Recovery through Autobiographical Songwriting: a presentation and performance.
15:15-15:30 Comfort Break
15:30-17:30 My Why …………….. (30 minutes)
Led by Brenda Rattray
Workshop II (90 minutes)
Why do We Write Songs? Creativity, Originality and Authorship.
Led by Sophie Daniels, Julianne Oc and Metka Potocnik
17:30-17:45 Comfort Break
17:45-19:15 Practice Research II (90 minutes) Creating Excellence Outside Boxes.
Moderated by Lucy James
Estée Blu: Healing Through Sacred Sound: Sound and Technology Converge as Tools for Empowerment and Active Participation.
Jemma Roberts: Girl vs Ableton.
Lauren Alex Hooper: #ActuallyAutistic: Songs for an Underserved Audience.
19:15-20:45 F-List Networking, with Music
(Music coordinated by Dr Maren Hancock: with Echo Juliet, Dee’Cleo and Selecta 4)
SCHEDULE for Thursday, 23 May 2024
– DAY 2 –
08:15-09:45 Sunrise Workshop III (90 minutes)
BLU WAV Wellbeing Workshop: Relaxing Crystal Sound Bath with Jazreena Harlow.
Led by Estée Blu
Sponsored by Independent Society of Musicians (ISM)
(*there are only 20 spaces available for this workshop – based on first, come, first served basis – sign up will open shortly before the conference start)
09:15-10:00 Registration (with Coffee)
10:00-11:15 Research Papers II (75 minutes) Music, Business, Law, and Control.
Moderated by Cande Sánchez Olmos
Vick Bain: Navigating Success: Insights from Women in the UK Music Industry.
Benjamin Bierman (online): Social Justice Within Academia Through Copyright.
Metka Potocnik: Misogyny in Music: Feminism, Power, and Intellectual Property.
11:15-11:30 Comfort Break
11:30-12:45 Research Papers III (75 minutes): Voices, Representation and Music.
Moderated by Laura Hamer
Lucinda Allen: Voice and Consent.
Elizabeth Hardman: Tokenism, positive discrimination, and visibility: visibility and women composers in classical concert programming.
Shauna Stapleton: Techno, turntables, and tokenism: A mixed-methods exploration of the lived experiences of female DJs in EDM.
12:45-13:30 Lunch (F-List Networking Event)
13:30-15:00 Workshop IV (90 minutes)
Re-Writing Recovery
Led by Lucy Barka
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:30 Research Papers IV (75 minutes): Building Power, Solidarity and Safe Spaces in Music.
Moderated by Maren Hancock
Laura Hamer and Helen Julia Minors: Observations and Proposals from the Women’s Musical Leadership Online Network.
Jenn Clempner: Generational Discourse, The Queen Bee Phenomenon and Women in Music.
Jemma Roberts: The ADHD Music Producer: 1 Year Later.
16:30-16:45 Break
16:45-18:15 Research Papers V (90 minutes): Music and the Future – Reasons for Hope?
Moderated by Helen Julia Minors
Nina Himmelreich: Gender Inequality in the German Music Industry – an Analysis of the German Charts, Festival Stages, and Record Company Rosters.
Kemi Sulola: Soul Music to AI: An R&B Girl’s Perspective.
Jessica Blissitt and Isla McRobbie: Exploring Female Representation within lineups at UK Music Festivals.
18:15-19:45 Closing, F-List Networking, with Music (with Dr Maren Hancock, aka DJ Betti Forde and DJ TONi)