Many charitable organisations and foundations offer grants specifically tailored to support artists, particularly those from underrepresented groups, including women and gender diverse musicians. Researching and identifying these opportunities is the first step towards securing financial assistance for your projects.

Building relationships with key stakeholders in the charitable community can also bolster your chances of success. Attend networking events, engage with industry professionals, and seek mentorship to navigate the complexities of grant applications effectively. By harnessing the power of charity funding, you not only gain financial support for your music projects but also foster valuable connections and opportunities for artistic collaboration and growth.

Below are eight funders for music projects in the UK (click logos for links).

Here are a number of things to be mindful of when you are completing a funding application. We understand some applications may require a lot of thought, planning and days of work so also watch out for any ‘how to’ funding sessions the funders may be organising themselves. They want applicants to make the best application possible so most do offer support to help you make a successful bid.

There are a number of brilliant websites which give lists of charitable funders or other musical grants and opportunities that musicians can apply to. It is worth checking them out regularly;

Karma Betelsen, amongst other great resources we have linked to, has also created a great list of music funders at this site here: KarmaBetelsenFundingGuide

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