Create Your Free F-List Listing!


This first section is the key information you need for your Listing. The more information you are able to inupt the better for people to see who you are and what your music sounds like, but don't worry, you can edit and update any time you like 🙂
The name of your music Company, Group, your professional Musician name or your name as a Researcher
You must choose one main 'listing type' of either Company, Group, Musician or Researcher
This is for all of your areas of expertise; you can choose multiple options for example Producer, Singer and Solo Artist
Please only list the instruments you actually play, not the entire instrumentation that appears in your music. If you are a mixed sex group or band please only list the instruments the female or gender diverse musicians play. You can choose a maximum of 13.
Please only list the instruments you actually play, not the entire instrumentation that appears in your music. If you are a mixed sex group or band please only list the instruments the female or gender diverse musicians play.
If you wish you can select a UK nation or any county you are based in. This can help appeal to local promoters.
Your opportunity to write about you and your career highlights! Also - VERY IMPORTANT! - if you have a record release, premier or new show/tour coming up shout about it here.


All of this information is what The F-List is all about - it's to ensure bookers/promoters/commissioners can easily see your professional connections and get in touch to book you! These fields are public and so are optional but will enable you to be booked, so do enter information here if you can.
This field is for your own website address. All urls require https://
Enter your music publisher website here
Enter your record label website here (can be own label)
This is an important one! If you have a main representative, an agent, lawyer or manager, then give their name here. That person can also be you if you are self-managing.
This can either be your contact details or someone who represents you, an agent/manager etc. Please note this will be public so don't use your personal number unless you are sure.
Enter your university or research profile here if applicable


Input all your socials here! If there is one we haven't listed, let us know 🙂
Event promoters & bookers like to know popularity statistics so please do enter this figure here!
Enter your Facebook link here
Enter your Twitter X link here (while we are still using it!)
Enter your Instagram link here
Enter your Tiktok link here
Enter your Linkedin link here


Please note Music Feeds require an EMBED link for a music track, NOT a website link. Each music/video website has its own style of embed code... to display your music feeds follow our full instructions here for examples of the urls required, but they usually start "https//... and end ...true" or send us a message if you need further assistance! We understand it can appear tricky. We also advise to put no more than 2 music feeds onto your page as it looks visually better but you have a choice of 5 platforms.
URL Example: (Please note that code %3A will need to be replaced with a colon like this : )
URL Example:
URL Example:
URL Example:
URL Example:
We take IP very seriously, and as we are a not for profit organisation this service (The F-List website directory) is for your promotional use only, we are a not-for-profit organisation not benefitting commercially in any way & most photographers are good with that but if you do want to give them credit please do so here.